

I woke up quite early today. Around 8 am? hehe. Then, after getting myself ready, Mama and Abang Shahrul (mom's office mate) pick me up around 9.30 I think. Yang tak tahan tu, Abg Shahrul or name manjanya 'Abang Mayo', drive van DBKL datang rumah!! Haha. Dah la besar and panjang gile. Enjin die bising plak tu. Pasang radio pon tak dengar pape. Haha. Cakap pon kene macam jerit2. Bongek btol. Haha.

So he drove us to Jabatan Kesihatan DBKL somewhere near Cheras I think to get the Guarantee Letter for my mum. Then, we went to Daya X-Ray near Jalan Raja Laut. Luckily, Abang Mayo yang bawak, if not sesat la kat KL tu dengan mama. Lepas tu, dalam van die ada je benda nak cakap. Itu la ini la. Asyik bwat lawak je. Aku and mama gelak2 lepas tu gelak lagi. Muke die pon da la macam Johan Rja Lawak. Memang tersangat la bongek. Haha. He made my day mann!! Bagos pon, xdela aku tension sangat duduk dalam van tu lama2. Kan?

Next, after X-ray, supposedly we should go to Cheras once again and bwat medical check up plak. BUT, its almost lunch time. So Abang Mayo bwak jalan2. Haha. Round satu KL!! Best!! Then, we stopped by at Stadium Titiwangsa. Ade pameran and hari koperasi DBKL. I think. haha. So went there and fortunately, I have to menyamar like one of the DBKL' staff. Haha. And whats even better is that I get to vote like pilihan raya. haha. And I dont know any of the calon and what are the jawatan they are competing for. So I just pangkah 'X' kat muka2 yang bole diharap. Haha. Then, my mum met A LOT OF her former DBKL's friend. And A LOT MEANS LIKE VERY A LOT. So, they was like, ' Anak ke?' 'Ouhh blaja kt mane?' ' umur brape'. Denngg. Semua tanya bende yang same. Tanyela dah ade bf ke blom or promote anak diorang ke? *crapsss* HAHAHA. So I have to like answer the same question over and over again. Heeeeee

Then, Abang Mayo drove us back to TTDI. Dia ade hal. Hal ape pon xtau. But he said, ' Okay Mira, hari ni x bole la nk makan ngan Mira. Esok eh Abang dapat gaji kite keluar makan berdua je. X payah ajak mama. Abang belanja okay?' I was like 'OKAYYYYYY'. haha. Keep that promise dude. So I had my lunch with mama somewhere near VADS. Lepas dah ambil makanan sume and duduk only I realise something. AKU AMBIL LAUK YANG SAME KAT KMM!! Denggg

Fuih, next we went to Subang Jaya with Kak Shidah and mama sent me home. Huishh, A VERY VERY VERY tiring day yet HAPPENING!!

Tomorrow nak pegi medical check up plak. Waduhh kene tolong kayna plak bwat pp mlm ni..........




You text-ed me, 'I screwed up my MUET :'( '. But later, I found this on your 'website',

-'Finally I am done with MUET! I think I did okay in my speaking though. but whatever it is, goodbye MUET... '

-'For some reason, I'm quite satisfied with my MUET. jeng3'

WTH? You don't have to lie to get my attention or make me talk to you laa dude. Please don't. And if you're gonna be a liar, AT LEAST be a good one!




Today is world Father's Day. It has been 5 years since I last wishes and celebrate it with my arwah Abah. 5 years of ups and downs without him. 5 years of living without a man called, father. How I wish he is here right now besides me. I would like to kiss and hug him tightly for the last time. But, because of fate I could no longer see his face and feel the warmness of his touch. I miss him so badly. I miss him being my driver, my chef, my teacher and my friend. Only God knows how much I do love and miss him.

And now I'm going to pursue my studies in education. If he is still alive, I am sure he would be the happiest man in the world because I followed one of his footsteps. Yes Abah, I hope I'll become a dedicated lecturer just like you. And if I get the chance to learn and study on Phytobiophysics, I will Abah.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah dosa kedua ibu bapaku.
Kasihanilah mereka sebagai mana mereka kasihani kami sejak kecil lagi.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, jauhilah arwah bapaku dari azab kubur dan neraka.
Tenteramkanlah rohnya dan tempatkan lah dia dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman di-sisiMu.

So whoever out there still do have a father, love and treat them nicely. Don't you ever raise your voice towards them. You will never know when you are going to loose them. And when you are loosing them, you are the one who are going to regret.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all dads out there!!:)




Currently listening to these good old songs,


JASON DERULO - Whatcha Say

KATY PERRY - Thinking of You




The time has finally come. I dunno what kind of feeling im having right now. But one thing for sure, I have been thinking about that 'sah dan hantar' button every second over and over again. Its haunting me TERRIBLY. Last time, I was so down and tried to cheer myself up with other offer. But now, I just dunno what to say if it happens to me AGAIN this time. So lets just hope and always pray that I can get through all this. Yes!! Insya-ALLAH there will be a silver lining behind all this.

Ya ALLAH ya Tuhan kami,
kurniakan kami rahmat dari sisiMu
dan berilah petunjuk kepada kami dalam urusan kami
dengan segala petunjuk,
Mudahkanlah urusan kami ya ALLAH,
permudahkanlah jangan disulitkan
kerana Engkaulah yang maha memudahkan
segala yang susah adalah mudah bagi-Mu,
Ya ALLAH wahai Tuhan yang paling mengasihani
daripada segala yang mengasihani...








Perjalanan hari-hari cuti ku berlaku spt brikut (sekiranya tiada plan dan brada di rumah) :-

  • bangun , siapkan diri
  • sidai baju di ampaian
  • hidang lauk dan masak nasi (kalau xde lauk, masak ape yg ade)
  • tonton televisyen dan melayari internet
  • angkat baju
  • siap sedia ambil Kaalif di rumah asuhan
  • bermain dan tonton tv bersama kaalif
  • malam, bersama keluarga
Dan, jadual ini akan berterusan sehingga akhir bulan ini untuk makluman anda semua. Memang xde 'life' btol.haha


Disebabkan mak cik tak hantar lauk pada hari ini, saya memasak mee goreng untuk makanan tengah hari tanpa bantuan dari mana-mana pihak buat pertama kali nya. Ini adalah kerana, saya selalu memasak berteman. Sama ada memasak dengan emak atau kakak. Tetapi tidak untuk hari ini. Walau pun saya rasa sangat penat tetapi saya berjaya juga. Dan saya rasa mee trsebut tidak lah sesedap mana, tetapi mereka makan juga, kayna siap bawak bekal ke tempat kerja lagi.haha





I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, after one whole year studying in mtrx and now waiting for upu rsults only I signed in. The last blog was 4 days before I rgistered in melaka, 11 of May 2009. I guess I am too lazy to update during mtrx life because the 'thing' thats going on btween me and mtrx. And now here I am, starting to fill my life again with blogging.

Actually, my blog was kinda private before, only me and I could read this blog. Yes, something like diary. But now I change it to public for some reasons. So I have to and already delete all the post that is ILLEGAL for some of you to read.hehe. And YEAY now, for all the stalker, busybody, and 'penyibuk' .haha