

Today is world Father's Day. It has been 5 years since I last wishes and celebrate it with my arwah Abah. 5 years of ups and downs without him. 5 years of living without a man called, father. How I wish he is here right now besides me. I would like to kiss and hug him tightly for the last time. But, because of fate I could no longer see his face and feel the warmness of his touch. I miss him so badly. I miss him being my driver, my chef, my teacher and my friend. Only God knows how much I do love and miss him.

And now I'm going to pursue my studies in education. If he is still alive, I am sure he would be the happiest man in the world because I followed one of his footsteps. Yes Abah, I hope I'll become a dedicated lecturer just like you. And if I get the chance to learn and study on Phytobiophysics, I will Abah.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah dosa kedua ibu bapaku.
Kasihanilah mereka sebagai mana mereka kasihani kami sejak kecil lagi.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, jauhilah arwah bapaku dari azab kubur dan neraka.
Tenteramkanlah rohnya dan tempatkan lah dia dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman di-sisiMu.

So whoever out there still do have a father, love and treat them nicely. Don't you ever raise your voice towards them. You will never know when you are going to loose them. And when you are loosing them, you are the one who are going to regret.

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all dads out there!!:)


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