

The time has finally come. I dunno what kind of feeling im having right now. But one thing for sure, I have been thinking about that 'sah dan hantar' button every second over and over again. Its haunting me TERRIBLY. Last time, I was so down and tried to cheer myself up with other offer. But now, I just dunno what to say if it happens to me AGAIN this time. So lets just hope and always pray that I can get through all this. Yes!! Insya-ALLAH there will be a silver lining behind all this.

Ya ALLAH ya Tuhan kami,
kurniakan kami rahmat dari sisiMu
dan berilah petunjuk kepada kami dalam urusan kami
dengan segala petunjuk,
Mudahkanlah urusan kami ya ALLAH,
permudahkanlah jangan disulitkan
kerana Engkaulah yang maha memudahkan
segala yang susah adalah mudah bagi-Mu,
Ya ALLAH wahai Tuhan yang paling mengasihani
daripada segala yang mengasihani...


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